Children's Ministry
Wiggles & Giggles Room
The Wiggles & Giggles Room is provided for parents/guardians to
sit with their children if they need a break during the service. The
service is live-streamed into the room so that you are still able to
view the service.
Nursery Ministry
Our Nursery Ministry is available throughout our 10:30 AM service,
for ages birth through pre-K. This ministry is staffed with a paid
caregiver who along with volunteers, provides a short lesson and
activities. Parents may pick their children up after the service.
Children's Ministry
Children, kindergarten through 5th grade, are released from the worship service after the Children's Message to attend Kid's Worship in the KidZone. There are activity bags available for those who choose to stay in the service. Kid's Worship offers an age-appropriate lesson, music and various outreach projects. Parents may pick their children up after the service in the KidZone.
In months that have a fifth Sunday, our service is led by our youth, and on those Sundays children will remain in the service.